+2 BST
0 s
couldn't load thumbnail
+5 BST find
0 s
couldn't load thumbnail
+5 BST insert
0 s
couldn't load thumbnail
+3 BST successor
0 s
couldn't load thumbnail
+26 BST delete
0 s
couldn't load thumbnail
+3 BST Complexity
0 s
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+27 AVL Tree
0 s
couldn't load thumbnail
+10 AVL Rotation
0 s
couldn't load thumbnail
+44 AVL Balance
0 s
couldn't load thumbnail
+1 complexity summary
0 s
couldn't load thumbnail

BST and AVL Trees

Welcome to the wild and wacky world of binary search trees (BSTs) and AVL trees! These are data structures that store data in a hierarchical way, allowing fast search, insertion, and deletion operations. But not all BSTs are created equal. Some of them can become unbalanced and lose their efficiency. That’s why we need AVL trees, which are BSTs that maintain a balance invariant by performing rotations when needed. Today, we will learn about operations on a BST, the AVL Invariant, the different types of rotations, and how to keep your AVLs balanced and stay alive. Let’s get started! 🌳
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