+1 Intro
0 s
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+11 Hash Table Recipe
0 s
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+5 Chaining
0 s
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+9 Universal Hash Families
0 s
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+9 Universal Hash Families Examples 1+2
0 s
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+26 Universal Hash Families Example 3
0 s
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+7 Universal Hash Families Example 3 - Proof
0 s
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+17 Question - Check Triplets
0 s
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+9 k-Universal Hash Families
0 s
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+13 2-Universals Are Universal
0 s
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Hash Tables

Welcome to the World of Hash Tables! These marvelous data structures perform the magical trick of transforming keys into array indices for lightning-fast data access. Beware! A naive approach can attract malicious agents who overload the hash table and wreak havoc on its efficiency. To thwart the bad guys, we introduce Universal Hash Families—a clever way to keep your hash tables safe and speedy 🗝️🔑.
key function
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